- Biographical Background: A Brief Statement
Dr. Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana, a South African patriot, a loving father, a teacher of note, a renowned entrepreneur, a pioneer and a highly rated author for all seasons; and a master without a swollen head in the intellectual and literary circles has fallen. His health status changed for worse and, has been in great pain since his diagnosis with sugar diabetes. He passed away on the 08 October 2017 at Polokwane Netcare Hospital. His wife was always on his bed-side constantly encouraging him to be a better version of himself, to give him hope, to be a victor in his battle with sugar diabetes. She tried her best to keep the candle light burning as an attempt to make him feel worthy of love and joy. To her disappointment, her beloved husband, with well-rounded intelligence and confidence finally succumbed to death.
Dr Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana was born to Johannes Nethule and Nyamuopfhe Phaswana on 06 May 1960 at Shakadza Village, Limpopo Province of South Africa. His parents are no more. He was the fifth born boy of six boys.
Dr Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana got married to Layani Jemina Singo in 1986 and their marriage was blessed with a son and a daughter (Eddy Ndivhuho and Mbofholowo Lorraine Phaswana).
- Educational and Academic Qualifications
Dr. Phaswana was exposed to literature at an early age by his primary school teacher. His earliest education was at Shakadza Primary School at Shakadza. After completing standard 5 in 1975, he proceeded to Malilele Secondary School in the same village of Shakadza where he matriculated in 1980. He then proceeded to the University of Venda to further his studies and enrolled for BA (Bachelor of Arts). His academic achievement can be summarised as follows:
BA (Bachelor of Arts)
Institution: University of Venḓa
Year: 1983
University Education Diploma (UED)
Institution: University of Venḓa
Year: 1984
BA Hons (Bachelor of Arts Honours)
Institution: University of Venḓa
Year: 1987
MA (Master of Arts)
Institution: University of Stellenbosch
Year: 1992
MPhil (Master of Philosophy)
Institution: University of Cape Town
Year: 1994
B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education)
Institution: University of Venḓa
Year: 1994
MM (Master of Management)
Institution: University of the Witwatersrand
Year: 2003
PhD in English Language Studies
Institution: Michigan State University (MSU)
Year: 2000
Dr. Phaswana presented 19 academic papers at conferences and seminars nationally and internationally. He published 12 academic papers which were his own literary work. Dr. Phaswana also completed 15 short courses in different fields of study which covered Management, Finance and Public Sector. Throughout his academic studies, Dr. Phaswana was awarded 6 different scholarships. His keen interest in literature continued after this academic achievement and he became more focussed on poetry, folklore and drama.
- Career
Dr. Phaswana started off his career at Malilele Secondary School where he taught between 1985 and 1986. Between 1987 and 1990 he served as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Tshivenda at the University of Venda. His hard work earned him an appointment to a Junior Lectureship position at the very University in 1990. In 1993 he was promoted as a Lecturer and as a Senior Lecturer in 1995 in the Department of Linguistics. In 2000 Dr. Phaswana was promoted as the Head of Department in the Department of Communication and Applied Language Studies, which is the position he held until his passing on. He has since been supervising and promoting postgraduate students. He also served as the external examiner/moderator/assessor for different universities in South Africa.
When Dr Phaswana realised that he had arrived at a level of established authors, he decided to venture into publishing in a bid to promote aspiring authors. It is here where he started different publishing companies namely, Kalahari Publishers & Booksellers, Zambezi Books Enterprise and Far North Books. Of all these companies, Kalahari Productions & Booksellers has been able to make an indelible foot-print within the South African Publishing Sector. Dr Phaswana Published 4 Short Story books, 2 Poetry books, 4 Novels, 4 Essays and 4 Grammar and language guides for primary and high school learners. His work earned him literary awards which includes M Net Book Prize and Limpopo Department of Sports, Arts and Culture Literary Awards.
From publishing, Dr Phaswana diversified his business practices into other sectors such as mining, petroleum, farming, hospitality and construction.
He was elected as the chairperson of the Makhado Colliery Consultative Forum (MCCCF) in June 2012. At the time, the role of the MCCCF was to engage with Coal of Africa to understand the role that communities in the development and the implementation of the Makhado Project should play. The project has seven (7) beneficiary communities, and his role as the chairperson was to at times, engage, very robustly so, with the leadership of CoAL, and government to realise genuine and meaningful socio-economic transformation. He played a key role in ensuring that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between MCCCF and CoAL, together with the communities and the traditional leadership of the communities. This development further resulted in the signing of a shareholders’ agreement enabling the communities to acquire a 20% stake in Baobab Mining, as the owner of the Makhado Project.
The MoU and the Agreement state that communities will benefit, not only through ownership of the project, but also through employment and procurement. In September 2017, CoAL launched the Makhado Centre of Learning, one of the joint projects, to ensure that all affected communities are trained. The first in-take took place at the beginning of October 2017.
His Extended Community Engagement also included but not limited to:
- Giving motivational talks to more than 1000 secondary schools in Vhembe, Musina and Mopani municipal districts.
- Offering, Radio talks as a guest (Phalaphala FM, Musina, and Makhado) on a regular basis.
- Bringing the villages together for supporting needy students to further their studies.
Dr Phaswana was also a member of 15 academic and community Associations out of which he was elected as a Chairperson for 6 of them and a deputy Chairperson for 2.
There can hardly be anything more heroic than Dr. Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana to be described as someone in whose hands linguistic, human and infrastructural development would be taken good care of. He passed on while millions of black people are aspiring for better life; while young black South Africans are yelling for quality education and a good head start of life. He departed this world while the life prospects of these poor souls are not quite as rosy.
There can hardly be anyone generous than Dr. Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana whose generosity found him trapped in the hands of exploiters. Exploitation always approached him with a big smile taking the advantage of his kind heart and soul. He was always motivated by the spirit of people empowerment. We might have captured him but failed to capture his beautiful spirit.
- In summary
Dr. Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana was an academic, an educationist of quality, an author of note, a progressive entrepreneur, and a language activist without ethnic or tribal borders.
Dr. Nkhelebeni Edward Phaswana is survived by his wife, Layani Jemina Phaswana, his children Eddy and Mbofho and his daughter in-law Phophi, as well as three grand-children, Ondwela, Alilali and Makhadzi. His surviving siblings are his elder brother, vho Joseph and the younger brother, Avhapfani.

Dr Nkhelebeni Phaswana